On 3 June, the ISC lab organized a panel on the impacts of COVID-19 on global and local (im)mobility. Panelists Luciana Massaro (UNICAMP/VU Amsterdam) and Jorge Calvimontes (UNICAMP) wrote the following blog, which captures the main points of their presentation. … Lees verder
Categorie archieven: Sustainability and Commons
Panel on COVID-19 and mobility
The ISC research lab of the Institute for Societal Resilience cordially invites you to the panel Covid 19: A Global Crisis of Infrastructures, Sustainability and Commons, taking place online on 3 June at 15.00 hours (Amsterdam time). Far from being … Lees verder
International project Gold Matters
Sustainable Small-Scale Gold Mining? On the promises and politics of sustainable extraction

The Gold Matters project and the Infrastructure, Sustainability and Commons Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam co-organized a panel on the relationship between small-scale gold mining and sustainability, taking place at the XVII International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & … Lees verder
ISC lab receives KNAW grant

We are very pleased to announce that the research lab of Infrastructure, Sustainability & Commons (ISC) has received an award from the Pilot Fund for Science Communication of the KNAW (the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). The KNAW … Lees verder
ISR-ISC WEBINAR: Ethnographic Encounters with Morality, Crisis and Extractivism in Venezuela

Double-digit inflation, over 5 million refugees, and a political deadlock with no easy solutions: The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela boggles the mind. In this ISR webinar, Iselin Åsedotter Strønen (University of Bergen), Eva van Roekel (Vrije Universiteit), Marjo de Theije … Lees verder

15 PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers Within the ADAPTED project, 15 PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) who are interested in working on the projects overall research focus “Eradicating Poverty: Pathways towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” are … Lees verder