Informal and formal social structures such as families, communities and societal organizations are the vehicles of (societal) solidarity, providing an important safety net for those who are vulnerable and dependent on support. At the same time, they are influenced by macro-developments such as individualization, globalization, welfare state retrenchment and virtualization of society. Moreover, demographic developments (ageing, migration) are increasing the numbers of citizens in need of care and welfare, while these collective arrangements are being reformed towards a more private responsibility. These challenges call for innovative forms of solidarity at all levels.
‘Studying societal resilience in the domain of care and welfare raises new questions regarding the form and function of social capital in informal groups, the organizational aspects of civic participation; the collaborative relationships between government, private and public partners; welfare policies toward strengthening individual and societal coping with social risks; and the outcomes of new arrangements in terms of societal cohesion and inequality. In collaboration with societal stakeholders we elaborate on these questions in order to increase insight in resilience of societies in the domain of care and welfare’.